Shaw, Bernard: The Intelligent Woman's Guide To Socialism And Capitalism
Shaw, Bernard: The Intelligent Woman's Guide To Socialism And Capitalism

Shaw, Bernard: The Intelligent Woman's Guide To Socialism And Capitalism

Tuotetta rajoitettu erä.
200,00 €

Brentano's Publishers, 1928. 495 pages/sivua. Hardcover/kovakantinen. K3.

Saatavuus 1 kpl

As a lifelong socialist, Shaw believed that economic inequality was a poison destroying every aspect of human life, perverting family affections and the relations between the sexes. According to him, all British institutions were "corrupted at the root by pecuniary interest"—and idealism, integrity, and any piecemeal attempts at political reform were futile in the face of the gross injustice built into the Empire's economic system.