Davies, Paul: The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in the Nature's...
Davies, Paul: The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in the Nature's...

Davies, Paul: The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in the Nature's...

Touchstone Book
Tuotetta rajoitettu erä.
12,00 €

Touchstone Books, 1989. 223 sivua 7 pages. ISBN: 9780671675615, pehmeäkantinen, kuvakannet / paperback. K3.

Saatavuus 1 kpl

Davies, Paul:The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in the Nature's Creative Ability to Order the Universe

Following on his highly acclaimed God and the New Physics and Superforce, physicist Paul Davies advances a provocative argument for the existence of a predestined plan that informs all matter and energy in the universe. Rejecting the idea of a universe at the mercy of random forces, The Cosmic Blueprint draws on recent discoveries in fields as diverse as brain research, biological evolution, computers, and astrophysics. Davies argues that all matter and energy have the ability to self-organize according to common holistic principles. Examining these principles, he suggests that the universe develops toward progressively higher levels of complex self-organization ? from the pattern of a snowflake to the structure of organisms to the "cosmic blueprint" governing the entire structure of the universe. (takakansiteksti)