Watkins, Alfred: The Old Straight Track: its mounds, beacons, moats...
Watkins, Alfred: The Old Straight Track: its mounds, beacons, moats...

Watkins, Alfred: The Old Straight Track: its mounds, beacons, moats...

Tuotetta rajoitettu erä.
30,00 €

Abacus, 1977. 234 pages /sivua. ISBN: 0-349-13705-6, paperback / pehmeäkantinen, kuvakansi. K3.

Saatavuus 1 kpl

Watkins, Alfred: The old straight track: its mounds, beacons, moats, sites and mark stones  

First published in1925 and out of print for many years, The Old Straght Track remains the most important source for the study of the ancient straight tracks or leys that criss-cross the British Isles - a fascinating system which was old when the Romans came to Britain.